Matt Hurt is the creator of ObsessiveViewer.com. He also created, hosts, and produces The Obsessive ViewerAnthology, and Tower Junkies podcasts. He is a member of the Indiana Film Journalists Association and lives in Indianapolis with his cat Pizza Roll. 


Podcast Episodes

Obsessive ViewerWeekly Movie/TV Reviews and Discussions

  1. OV153 – Bonus Ep – Mad Dogs Season 1 – Guest: Dylan Schuck from The Dead Inside Show, Better Talk Saul, The Guilty Remnant, and BeGrizly.com
  2. OV155 – 88th Academy Awards Nominee Showcase – Featuring clips from 10 other podcasts!
  3. OV157 – Special Ep – SURE-FIRE, a Con-Man Comedy Film, Crowdfunding Interview – Guests: Director/Co-Writer/Co-Producer Michael Goldburg, and Co-Writer/Co-Producer Dave Chan
  4. OV164 – Bonus Ep – 11.22.63 – A Hulu Event Series – Guest: Brian Davids from Film Schlubs
  5. OV198 – Rogue One: A Star Wars Story – Guest: Tony Troxell from Indiana Geeking

AnthologyThe Twilight Zone, Black Mirror and Classic Sci-Fi