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Editorials 10

Editorial: How Netflix Could Revolutionize the Way Television Works

After cornering the home video rental market and all but slaying former rental juggernaut Blockbuster, it seems Netflix has now set its sights on the television industry. With the highly publicized release of House of Cards, the first original television series developed by Netflix, the king of on-demand streaming has introduced itself as an original content provider. And the ripples […]

Matt Hurt's Columns 5


Hello. I’m the Obsessive Viewer. Welcome. I decided to start this blog because more and more people are embracing an addiction to screens and with far more viewing options than we’ve ever had before, it’s really easy to get a fix. We’re living in a time where the entertainment industry is competing with rapidly evolving technology to deliver content as conveniently as possible. People are watching Boardwalk Empire on tablets on the commute to work. They’re watching The Avengers while jogging on the treadmill and streaming Netflix on their lunch break. We are no longer shackled by arbitrary schedules and show times. And the amount of content at our fingertips is extraordinarily overwhelming. So allow me to use this blog […]